Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I, like you, didn't get to see any damn torch

What a day. What a waste. Think of it, San Francisco -- you could have been washing your hair.

Everyone who showed up on foot to catch a glimpse of the Beijing 2008 Olympic torch was, in the word of one spectator, "hosed." Unlike those crackheads who emerged from the TL onto Van Ness Avenue between 2 and 2:30 p.m., who must have figured they were getting D.Ts.

Anyway, there's nothing I can say hasn't been said already. So here are some photos.

Lot of flags out today. Lot, lot of flags. A bit of arguing, too. And some signs.

The only real excitement today came near the end. Some dude, who may have been planning this all along, took off his clothes! What a nutso! But man, did he give the SFPD an eyeful.

So, yeah: a naked dude. That's what we contributed to Western Civilization today.

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