Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stuff you can get away with at a big daily, #1: making shit up

Last week's Nevius had some News To Me: that "chronic alcohol abuse is a major problem in the Outer Mission District."

He cites no sources, statistics, or any information whatsoever supporting the claim, which is a lot like saying there are no drunks in any other part of town, or that chronic tardiness is a major problem in the Marina. It's just a facetiously baseless claim. I lived in the Excelsior, and not once was I bothered by the mob of drunks roaming the streets in search of Manischewitz. It just ain't there.

I'm not offering any wit or savvy insight here, maybe cos it's late, or maybe cos I'm just completely baffled how the Chron's columnist can just make shit up.

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