Monday, April 21, 2008

Can't even do more less

A frequent alibi for infrequent posting is laziness. I think I'm procrastination champion; I think again.

I'm beaten by an old friend.

open google chat

he: haha! i was just thinking about emailing you

me: no kiddin

So we except the pleasantries, and say how we both is (terrible) and then why.

me: but i might have been in a bit of a stew for a while, letting myself go, as it were

he: no way?

me: i'd say, i'd give that a hesitant yes

yeah you should look at my room

he: are you balding? or fattened?

me: totally letting myself go

a little pudgy but mostly just really messy

he: we should compare rooms

he: you start with the stuff on your floor

we'll trade off

me: ok, floor. boxes i havent unpacked yet, some i have, includes cds and bathroom stuff, books, laundry basket, big pile of clothes, tons of books, letters, some bags

some more books in a box



envelopes, and some trash

i took away the plates

he: hahaha

not bad

for an amateur

Sent at 11:51 PM on Monday

me: ok, lay it on me

what've you got that's so messy

Sent at 11:52 PM on Monday

he: my floor: frank's red hot sauce, a bowl of 2day old macaroni and tuna, netflix cases without dvd's, cd's, headphones, amp, guitar, trash, pennies, cigarette ash, cigarette packs, clothes, used napkins, 2 cups of cereal with spoon (all dried), 2 arizona ice t cans filled with used cigarettes, numerous cups, and a few plastic bottles filled with my urine. also socks with a strange "goo" caked on them

me: "a few plastic bottles filled with my urine. "?

he: and that's after i cleaned my room

yup, i'm very lazy at times

me: i think about peeing in the trash sometimes

or out the window

he: hahahaha!

me: but never have i ever actually i think

that i can think of anyway

he: how about in the sink?

i like that you said, "i think about peeing in the trash sometimes"

me: well if i had a sink in my room...

it'd be all over

he: no, the dumb thing is i have a toilet in my room

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1 comment:

Sarah O. said...

Oh. My. God.
